Data Augmentation

In the last 50 years Internet and Web have evolved to the current state, and now the next step in Web is anticipated to be the “Network of Data”. Network of data represents the public data in the databases which are related to each other with standard structures. Current web can be named as “Network of Documents” and includes documents published to public, providing links between each other. In “Network of data” case the same structure is replaced with data and again the data is public and provides relation to other data. “Network of Data” is generally named as “LinkedData”.  LinkedData defines ways of describing and linking data across many information providers. Today, LinkedData is on the rise and many databases have gone to public providing data and information about various concepts in the world. The syntax and semantics behind LinkedData rely on Semantic Web elements that have been being improved since the beginning of new millennium. With help of the Web concepts such as User Generated Content, Semantic Web and LinkedData, it is now possible to find and query important information almost about anything.

On the other hand, the content in the Web is increasing and it is getting harder to provide links to other documents. In media such as newspapers and online video providers very limited amount of links to the concepts in the content is provided. This limitation forces people to use search engines while getting information from a media channel.