Augmented Reality

Mobile users get used to use their phones for navigation and location based services. The increasing number of GPS enabled mobile devices, utilize the ability to make use of the geographical position of the mobile device. However finding a specific location by only using maps is still hard to use for most of the people. On the other hand, the users also try to find location specific information about any surrounding that they are currently wandering or any interested area.

Augmented Reality (AR) application for mobile users can provide a combined solution for these problems.  Augmented Reality combines real and virtual is interactive in real time is registered in 3D spans from the real environment to a pure virtual environment. For mobile users Augmented Reality can be implemented via their embedded cameras. While users can see their surroundings via cameras, different kind of information that creates a virtual environment can be layered on the top of real environment. These layers can hold any kind of information (or advertisement) about the surroundings of the users, such as street and building names, interested locations (bars, restaurants, pharmacies), historical places. These layers can show not only the names for surroundings but can also show additional information about the places such as historical information, user reviews (for bars and restaurants), contact information, etc.